Tuesday, August 4, 2009


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I just heard about a silly new form of "around the office praise". It's called ePraise. ePraise is a kind of eCard that is designed for the sole purpose of praising the performance of a coworker. For those of you who don't know, an eCard is just like a real card except that it is sent to your e-mail box instead of your real mail box...

ePraise is a free service from Baudville.com and, while it's silly, I think it has it's place.

ePraise cards don't take themselves seriously, so hopefully the sender doesn't either. Rather, it seems to me that the ePraise serves as a kind of lighthearted supplement to broader "around the office recognition" programs or initiatives that hopefully all companies attempt to implement (even if only in a limited way).

They're good because they show that someone has taken a moment to personalize and send them. They show that someone recognizes the work someone else has done and they're kind of funny so they lighten the mood.

Lots of
ePraise for Baudville.com

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